The Machine Intelligence 21 (MI21-HLC) workshop concerns the EPSRC Priority area of Human-Like Computing. The workshop is the first of its kind to be supported by the EPSRC Human-Like Computing Network (2018-2023) and builds on successful talks and discussions between internationally leading researchers in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science at the MI20-HLC workshop in 2016. Human-Like Computing (HLC) research aims to endow machines with human-like perceptual, reasoning and learning abilities which support collaboration and communication with human beings. Such abilities should support computers in interpreting the aims and intentions of humans based on learning and accumulated background knowledge to help identify contexts and cues from human behaviour. Techniques of this kind are required in applications in which close interactions are required between computers and human users. The workshop aim is to bring together leading experts in AI and Cognitive Science to investigate areas of fruitful interaction in which human co-operative and communicative skills can be studied and modelled computationally. While many of these issues have been prominent for some time in symbolic AI, we are yet to see successful integration of statistical and symbolic AI approaches which achieves the broad range of phenomena present in human behaviour. The workshop will contribute to the objectives of the EPSRC’s HLC area by crystalising the key research issues to be prioritised in this area.
The workshop is the 21st in the Machine Intelligence series, which was founded by Professor Donald Michie in 1965. In line with the theme of the workshop, internationally recognised leaders have been invited in equal numbers from AI and Cognitive Science respectively, and it is hoped that you will give a poster and short talk describing the issues of topical interest in a particular area.
An afternoon of the workshop will be dedicated to a community-wide discussion involving funding agency representatives from the EPSRC and Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). The aim is to evaluate the potential for collaborative research in the area and to discuss the next moves necessary to engender the development of a coherent UK-based research community in the area of HLC. Discussions will be open to all attendees and will be organised around a panel discussion consisting of a selection of the invited speakers and funding agency representatives, followed by a general discussion among attendees.
Workshop venue
Lodge, The Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 2HP, UK
Recent Updates
- [10/06/2019] Discount
scheme for PhD's and RA's
- [24/05/2019] The deadline for abstract
submission was extended until 4th June.
- [10/05/2019] The workshop website was launched.